I started thinking about designing a new website because of the limitations of blogger and also because of the name I am using for my current blog. I already mentioned in a previous post that "Riding The USA" implies riding inside the US but this new trip was going to be over many countries. First I started researching names and testing to see if the domain was available and of course checking Facebook and Instagram for similar names. After I had a name picked I registered the domain, the Facebook page and the Instagram name. Soon after I registered another domain and ended up with two domains registered with their respective Facebook and Instagram pages. I started getting followers on both pages on Facebook even though I hadn't announced either page. I then had a dilemma, I liked both names and setup both sites identically including making the same posts on both with the same dates. After enlisting my family and a few close friends for their opinion, almost unanimously the first name I had picked was the one people liked the most. With the name settled it is now time to announce it.
I still have a lot to do and plan before I leave but barring a major catastrophe or health issue the departure date will be sometime in June 2018. For an idea of what my plan is, click on the "About" page and at the bottom you will see the "Dream". Follow up post on this site and on the new website will describe my plan in more detail. I will make posts about everything as the date approaches, from bike preparation, equipment I will use and route planning.
I chose this template for the website because I want the last five post's "featured" photo to scroll in slideshow fashion at the top. Currently only two are sliding because there's only two posts on the site.
Please feel free to comment on anything you see wrong or you think I should address. Your opinion is very much appreciated. Now, without further ado: